viernes, diciembre 10, 2004

En un mundo paralelo tú y yo vamos de la mano

Una tarde calurosa del mes de octubre, cuando tenía sus padres de visita, fue con ellos al Museo de Historia de Catalunya. Al salir del metro vio unas palabras guapísimas en la pared:


Le impresionó. Se preguntó dónde está aquel mundo paralelo y, si existe, cómo se puede llegar allí.


Blogger Linda dice...

You commented on my blog about the Democrats accepting defeat too readily. I agree,and for many days afterwards I think people were still hopeful.There are still John Kerry signs in front yards all around my neighborhood.The official reason for concession was a need to "heal" a highly fractured country by avoiding escalating the political friction unnecessarily.I tend towards believing it was a political manuvre,an investment in the next election,a decision that in four year's time may seem gracious and magnanamous in the face of years of what will prove to be a monstrous amount of bullying,lies,and dirty politicking.I think Kerry may run again, and this decision was made to make a point to future swing voters four years from now.
I wish I knew more Spanish.I understand enough to like the picture you posted.Mi madre es de La Republica Dominicana,pero I never learned more than the necessities-cerveza,bano,you know....

16/12/04 17:38  
Blogger El guiri de Barcelona dice...

Well, Linda, it seems the US and the rest of the world will have to deal with four more years of Bush's arrogance, and he will probably see his election "victory" as a confirmation to go on the same way, or worse.

I come from Belgium, but I've lived in Spain for seven years, which is why Spanish is the most obvious choice, but of course I wish more people could read my blog.

16/12/04 19:12  

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